Friday, 8 April 2016

math reflection

                                                    MATH REFLECTION
This week room 10 has been learning about adding and subtraction to 20,100's,1000's.And rounding.

What is adding and subtraction?
Adding and subtraction is like 16+?=20 and 12+?=20 and stuf like that.
All the numbers have different partners  and they never change.The number partners are 1 and 9 2 and 8,3 and 7, 4 and 6 and 5 and 5.Those are all the number partners up to ten.
Why do we do it?
Because room ten need's  to practse a little bit on our basic 
How do we do it?
 We practise


                                        READING REFLECTION
WHAT:We are doing  summarising

WHY:It Makes it a shorter story and  helps find the main advents from start to end or the information.

HOW: By reading the story and finding the main events in the story and what is the main events mean.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

