Thursday, 7 July 2016

got talent


What:last week on Friday(1 July) room 10 preformed at Pirongia schools got talent and did a dance off a Just dance.

Why:Room 10 decided to do this because we thought that we could work as a team and do this together.It tuned out to be an amazing successes.

How?:We practiced all term and finally added the finishing touch and the clothes and it was all ready to show the audience of Pirongia School's got Talent.


model inquiry


Science inquiry
This term we have been learning about science-planet Earth and beyond.Have you ever wondered how Mars was made?Well it goes like this.The force of gravity pulled loose bits of things floating around in space.Over the past millions of years it grew bigger and bigger until the gravity stopped pulling and mars never grew bigger again!

I made my model of a card-board box, paint, paper mache, a balloon, newspaper, plain a4 paper, and silver glitter.I enjoyed painting it because we put allot of glitter on it and it went everywhere.I would change that I would be more organised.  

Proud Moment#

                                     Proud moments

I was proud of  doing a 'Just Dance' at our schools Pirongia Schools got talent. I was proud of getting a merit award at assembly. I was proud of completing the mud run. I was proud of doing the 'Tryathilon',and winter sevens.