Tuesday 16 June 2015

Bee report


A bee is an insect. Bees are an invertebrate. The scientific name for a bee is Apis.

A bee lives in a hive.A bee lives near flowers so they can get pollen.A bee egg is put into a cell and grows into a larva and then a fully grown bee.

A bee has a stinger often used in defense.  Bees have stripes to warn predators that it is poisonous.  bees have two antenna to sense danger.

Bees make honey in their hive.  Bees make 1/12 of a teaspoon of honey in their life.  Bees never sleep.

The Queen bee is the biggest.  Bees are all related.  A queen bee lays 2,000 eggs per day.

Bees are disappearing because of mites and other diseases.  We need to be careful of hives because that is where the bees make honey.